Saturday, January 23, 2010

On finger nails a punch like impression is noticed. What is the cause and remedy?

As the nail groves and it moves with it then fine, it should be gone.

If it is black in colour it may be blood blister under the nail, will not go away but if it does not grow, it is OK, next time you see a doctor show him, but if is starts to change shape or get bigger and or hurts run to the emergency room of any hospital.

If not see a Doctor, soon.On finger nails a punch like impression is noticed. What is the cause and remedy?
your finger nails protect the fingertips from injury because they are finely nerve abundant areas that are composed of keratin protein and sulfur.the nail bed is the sking underneath the nail and the area in which the nail grows on top.

nail disorders or changes or abnormalities are typically the result of nutritional deficiencies or specific conditions and often reveal disorders in other areas of the body.changes in your fingernail often indicate illness in the body before the rest of the body will.

if u have any of the symptoms seek medical help:::::

1.beading of the nails--may be indicative of rheumatoid arthritis

2.brittle nails---may be indicative of circulatory problem,kidney disroder,iron deficiency or thyroid problem

3.chipped,cracked,easily broken or peeled nails---may be indicative of a nutritional deficiency like that of minerals,protein or insufficient hydrochloric acid,,,insufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid may lead to stomach disorders.

4.dark nails---may indicate vitamin b12 deficiency or may be anaemia

5.deep blue nails----pulmonary obstruction such as asthma,emphysema

6.downward curvature of the nail----may be indicative of heart,liver or respiratory disorders.

7.flat nails---may be indicative of raynaud;s syndrome,whcih is found most frequently in females 18 is characterised by abnormal vasoconstriction of extremities when exposed to cold or emotional stress.a history of symptoms of minimum two years is required for diagnosis.

8.frayed or split end nails---may be indicative of psoriasis.may also be indicative of folic acid deficiency,vitamin c and protein deficiency...

9.half-white nails with dark colour spots on the tips---may be indicative of kidney dysfunction

10.hammered brass lokking nails----may be indicative of total or partial hair loss

11.lengthwise grooves or edges---kidney disorder,may also be associated with aging and iron deficiency

12.pitted red brown spots--vitamin c deficiency

13.spoon shaped nails--may be indicative of vitamin b12 deficiency

there are a lot many symptoms.....dont neglect.....better c a doctor as soon as possible

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