Monday, May 10, 2010

Advise on my no-finger nail!Acrilic nails are dangerous!!?

Hiya everyone,just wanting some advice on my no finger nail and to see if any other girls have been in my postition!.I resently knocked my acrilic finger nail backwards three weeks ago, it was bleeding and i was in alot of pain the nail hadnt fallen off,i went to the doctors and its due to fall off any time soon, i have taken the acrilic off it and cut my own nail back like the doctor said, i am going on holiday in two weeks and hopeing it falls off before then so it will grow quicker in the sun!I really want it to grow back asap so i can get my nails redone!but this time im going to get natural short gel ones!!has this happened to anyone else?and does anyone have any advice on this please!Advise on my no-finger nail!Acrilic nails are dangerous!!?
This may sound weird and freaky but...if you squeeze ur finger nail(s) is garlic so it stings. they will go quicker ;)


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