Sunday, January 17, 2010

Something coming out of the side of my finger nail?

Recently the side of my finger near the nail hurts, at first I thought it was nothing so I left it alone. 2 days later it was still hurting so I just squish it to eas the pain but out of nowhere this white liquid thing came out of the side of my nail, it looks kinda like mucus but not as clear, something like a cream. Now that the stuff came out, the side of my finger is purple, might be from the pressure but still not sure. Can anyone tell me if I have some nasty infection or something else.Something coming out of the side of my finger nail?
Definitely infected. Don't be alarmed. You need antibiotics and you need the wound to be thoroughly cleaned and protected. Go to your doctor.Something coming out of the side of my finger nail?
I think its infected... cause my sister had that once. First put an icebag on that finger. Secondly, squeeze all that stuff out, try the best you can... not to the point where u press it down for 1 second and your all done, just try and get it all out.

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