Sunday, January 17, 2010

Babys toe nails/finger nails?

My baby is 2 weeks old and her finger nails are quite long. I am nervous at cutting them .Advice pleaseBabys toe nails/finger nails?
My baby is 4 months old, I am still nervous trimming his fingernails. I have found that most of the baby trimmers are crap. So I use a small pair of fingernail clippers. I do it while he is sleeping, that way he doesn't freak out. I have been told by other moms to bite his nails off (this doesn't work for him plus I think it is gross.) If your really really nervous you could use a baby emery board and just file them back. My son didn't mind this at all, but it is time consuming. Congratulations!!Babys toe nails/finger nails?
I use a nail file while she is sleeping on my nap. If it gets to be too bad and I can't seem to cut them without her wiggling too much then I read a lot of people recommend having ';daddy'; cut them while baby is eating. (I read it for breastfeeding but bottle might be as good). They are so relaxed then.
They have special nail trimmers for babies. They are duller and if they move it won't harm them. You can get them at like walgreens or something like that. Also if you trim them while she is sleeping it will make the process a lot easier and faster!
I never clipped my babies nails. Instead, I filed them with an emory board. I was just so scared that the clippers would cut their little fingers.
I cut my daughter's finger when she was little and I felt HORRIBLE after doing so!!! After that, I would bite them off after her bath. After about six months, I was able to feel confident to use the clippers again and never had another incident. You just gotta find something that you feel comfortable with!

Good luck!
i did my babies nails when they were asleep with a sharp pair of nail clippers.

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