Monday, May 10, 2010

Need to sort my finger nails out!?

Hi, Ive come to realise that my thumb nails are in a bit of a state. I bite my nails often and the nail on the thumb is getting quite flat (rather than rounded like a normal nail) and has some ridges down it. My question is: Are there any particular methods to return my nails to a normal shape and form? Obviously its a good idea to start by not biting them, but Ive done that before and it doesn't seem to rectify the bad nail???


Thank you.

Adam.Need to sort my finger nails out!?
i bite my nails and they dont do that.

maybe you're doing something else.

get acrylics (if you're a girl)

it will help you not bite them.Need to sort my finger nails out!?
Well I use to bite my nails too, and what I would do is cut it back into it's normal shape with a pair of nail clippers. But you should really stop, your nails have dirt under it and that can cause diseases/infections once your nails enters your mouth.

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