Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have extremely long finger nails?

Tonight at work I broke one. now I have to chop them all down and start again.

can I have some sympathy please?

(men, just pretend you know how I feel and humour me - please, pretty please)

Oh and loads of violations too *too bad - so sad*I have extremely long finger nails?
OMG. I know exactly how you feel...

You spend so much time making them look perfect... triming them and cleaning them and making sure your hands are moisturized, and repainting them with clear nail polish every 3 days... and what happens? I'll tell you... you are cutting a carrot A SIMPLE CARROT and you chop your nail off.

And then, after all that hard work, nobody gives a darn. they just dont care. And then you have to trim them so that there isnt ANYTHING left... and then you look really weird...


I am so sorry that you have to go through this too.

';We're in this together, man! Keep it together!'; lolI have extremely long finger nails?
I so know how you feel! Feel sorry for you =[
My mom is like that

So every time she breaks one i have to give her a foot rub

and she says if i don't do it out of love then she will lower my allowance
oh dear

how sad

never mind,,,:)
Freddy Kreuger is that you?
I'm a guy with crappy nail scissors, so I know what it's like to have decent finger nails - or as I'd like to call it, my natural Swiss army knife hands. So I can't pretend.. I know how horrible it is to lose a good nail - or screwdriver, sort of. I'm sat here sobbing.. Must be the full moon. Or my girlfriend's PMT.
that sucks .. i dont likeit when i break my nails .. bc it takes for ever to grow lol
I don't know why people like long nails, they just break or scratch people. Short ones are much better.
I broke mine a while back seems to be taking ages to grow back. I find that nail varnish strengthens them.
Oh no!

Having to start all over again!

I am so sorry!
You poor thing what can I do to make your day better
make sure you leave the clippings on the floor for someone to step on at night.
I know exactly how you feel. I used to have looong natural nails for a long time and I hated when I broke one of them, because I usually had to cut em all. But then I started to glue the broken one back on and it worked pretty good. So , try it, before you cut the rest of em :)
I had long nails, but not extremely long nails and they started breaking last week. So yes, I really do know just how badly you feel and you have my deepest sympathies. I had to cut mine, too, and I felt like crying. Did you? After having long finger nails and being used to them looking nice, it feels so strange to have short nails again. Well, about the only thing my long nails did was slow down my typing speed, but I hope mine grow out fast, too. You definitely have my sympathies. People that don't care need to just move on and get over the question if they don't like it. We are all entitled to our opinions and we are not all going to agree. Except for ladies that had long nails that broke and they had to cut their nails shorter. I feel really bad for you and for me, too, because we are going through the same crisis at the same time! It's just horrible. I am here for you. If you want, I can give you a hug or two and pat you on the back, if it will make you feel better, hun. ;)
Aww bless you poor thing I hope you feel better soon,

It's not nice when that happens but they'll grow back again.

Thank you :)
Ever heard of super glue, works wonders for broken nails. Learned that from one of my daughters.
So sad.
I'd get the big whip out and make you work harder.so no sympathy from me . haha
I will cry you a river, and at least you will have something to look forward to as they are growing back, So sorry for your loss.
In Memorium

My friend has lost a nail

Broke it without fail

Forgetting that to work at all

She must have nails

Shorter than a flail

Now that its gone

So must the others

So Sad Such Pain

Our Friend Val Mutters!

Sorry about the nail it will come back in about 3 months if you take great care!
uhh deal with it.
Oh No!!

You Poor Little Girl?

Hope so.

I dont think a guy would grow long nails

*hugs* and hope they grow back fast!
aww, I'm sorry to hear that... I normally just let it go if one gets chipped or broken, it'll catch up to the others in no time ^_^
How long are your fingernails anyway that you have to chop them down? They must be the length of one of those giant sequoia trees in the redwood forest!
Actually, I know how you feel. It's considered the most trivial complaint, but it takes so long to grow them back out! It's really a bummer.
hi val.......... ((((((((((((hugs and sympathy))))))))) for the loss of your beloved nail!!!
get some fake nails you cn get them cheap for like 5 bucks.
I have extremely long thick fingernails and occasionally they do break so that i have to even them out. Don't worry, they will grow back. Just keep them filed and painted (that way nails are less likely to break), remember to take your vitamins and wear gloves if you are washing dishes, etc.

: ( Sympathy for u...

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